
I am a new mom to a toddler named Ale (Á-le) who has stolen my heart. He has not only changed the structure of my life but has brought out aspects within me I did not know. Turns out I’m an undercover crunchy person – babywearing, breast feeding, lover of natural products, attachment parenting mama. We are also a multiracial and multicultural family. This blog is ultimately about my adventures with my little guy and reflections on being a new mom.

34 thoughts on “About

  1. Hello! I`m so glad you messaged me (Carys from 37calvertrd.com) so I could find your great blog! I am totally flattered that you nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award – as a new blogger, it means a ton to me. For some reason, your comment disappeared from my queue when I went to approve it but I don’t want you to think I didn`t see it!!!! Can`t wait to read more from you and thank you SOOOO much!

  2. Thank you for following my blog! I discovered I am somewhat of a “crunchy” Mama after my first was born too… I have embraced it 🙂 Looking forward to connecting with you! Peace, Mama!

  3. Pingback: The Liebster Award Nomination #2 – A Thank You | The corner of my imagination

  4. Lol!!!! I am a new mom am my princess is 5 months, didn’t know what a crunchy mom was until my sister (who has been a stay at home mom for 5 years now) said ummmm I think you may be a crunchy mom. Hey if thats because I cook her food from scratch and read labels before I buy things then I will crunch on!!!!

  5. Love your writing and the way you wear your heart on your sleeve. I am always drawn to that! Thanks for sharing with us and excited to keep up with your adventures. Take care! Steph

  6. Hi there, Congratulations you are the winner of my coffee give away please drop me an email at Journey2dfuture[at]gmail[dot]com to discuss details.
    J2df x

  7. Hello! I stumbled on your blog on feed your senses prompt and I decided to look around your site. I really enjoy reading some of your posts with your son, particularly about the one while waiting in line. How endearing is that! Any mother would melt. 🙂

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