Potty Time

Potty Time

I can hardly believe it. Ale has been in underwear for seven days now. With my luck he is peeing in his pants as I write this post!

It all happened quite suddenly. We had been doing underwear only at home for about a month. Yes, it was like having a puppy at home. Ale would pee on the living room rug.- “Ooops! Mama! Look! Pee pee!”. He would crawl under the dining room table and say “Mama, caca coming!”. Then I would grab him and make a mad dash to the bathroom- and get him on the potty before he pooped on himself.

Then the Ah Ha! moment for me came. I dropped off Ale at his preschool and saw a boy a bit younger than Ale tell his teacher that he just had an accident. He wanted to change his clothing. I realized then and there that I had to bite the bullet and just go full on potty training. Ale is three years old. He knows when he has to go and has a dry diaper in the mornings. It’s now or never. Plus diapers are expensive and our family is coming to visit us at Christmas time. I must impress them with my parenting skills!

So that was it. The law of the land became underwear all the time except at bedtime. I showed Ale his stylish Thomas underwear and bribed him with ice cream. It worked! Ale soaked up the praise and gobbled down the ice cream. No more accidents at home and none so far at school. We have yet to tackle the extended time away from home potty issues. Nor do I have a clue yet as to what to do in a gross public bathroom. We will get there soon. I’m just so proud of my little man in boxer briefs whose favorite word is now: fart.

I do have to give a honorable mention to the book Potty by Leslie Patricelli. We began to read this about a year ago when I thought it was time to start introducing the idea of the potty to Ale. He hated the potty but he loved this book. It made him laugh so hard. Its also written cartoon style so that he can “read” it by himself. I still keep it in the bathroom and Ale reaches for it as his tinkles and toots.

Check out this post from January about my first attempt at potty training.
There Is A Potty In My Bathtub

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