The Versatile Blogger Award!

The Versatile Blogger Award!

Last week Lorena from The Mommy Diaries nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award! I was super happy to receive this award. It came at the right moment as I’m hoping that in 2015 I will blog more. I enjoy this little corner of the internet that I have created for myself. WordPress has been great. I have met some wonderful blogging friends here— like Lorena. Please check out her blog. She shares her adventures and a young mom with two adorable children. She has gone through many challenges and has overcome a lot in her personal life but her positivity and love her her “littles” shines through.

Here are the guidelines for the Versatile Blogger Award:
1- Show the award on your blog.
2- Thank the person who nominated you.
3- Share seven facts about yourself.
4- Nominate 15 blogs. – (I’m nominating seven blogs)
5-Link your nominee’s blogs and comment on their blogs giving them the good news!

Seven Facts 

1-I make an amazing banana bread.

2- I love bright colors. They make me happy.

3- When home alone I blast my music as if I was 15, sing a lot, but very badly! My poor neighbors.

4- My office is the subway. That is where I blog, write emails, read and catch up on the news.

5-I am obsessed with journaling- hence the blog. In my journal I have started to add drawings to my daily entries. Its fun and relaxing.

6- I have a glass or two of wine every night. Its therapeutic.

7- I’m already longing for the summer. Winter just began…..

My Nominations

To my nominees- you don’t have to post this on your blog if you don’t want to. No obligation. You guys are busy and may have already received five of these. Its really just a high five- I just really like your blog. Cheers!

Adventures in Rain Tree Land– Mom is a designer working at H&M and has the most adorable little boy. Her blog is filled of beautiful mother and son photos. There is so much joy.

Journey2Dfuture A british gal living in Poland with her sweet son and husband. She is about to have another baby.

A Nugget of Joy– Written by Zee, a mom in Singapore. She writes about family and fun. It has been beautiful to watch their daughter Aly grow. Then she welcomed a new son.

And Three To Go– A family who travels around the world with their toddler daughter.

Finding Cooper’s Voice– This is an amazing blog written by a mom in Minnesota. She has two children Cooper and Sawyer. Her love for her boys is so powerful. I enjoy her honest writing.

Hanson’s Health – Personal Trainer who writes interesting articles on fitness and health.

Our Life in 3D– Blog about a dad and his two small daughters. They have endless fun together.

Blog of The Year 2013 Award!

Blog of the Year Award 1 star jpeg

Wow! Wow! and Wow! Kerry from Winding Road nominated my blog Running After Ale along with nine other bloggers for Blog Of The Year 2013. When I saw the ping back in my WordPress notifications I read it about five times. I could not believe my eyes. This news made my day! I love writing this blog but I frequently get writers block or think of an idea and crush it thinking it would not work well. This nomination came just when I needed a bit more motivation.

There are so many wonderful blogs here on WordPress that I enjoy reading. I wish I had more time to carefully read each one post by post. I love the community that I found here, bloggers from all walks of life and around the globe. It’s amazing since all in all we express similar hopes and desires.

The award was created by The Thought Palette. From this blog you can find all of the details of the Blog of the Year 2013 award and find widgets to proudly display on your blog.

Here are ten blogs that I want to pass on the award to in no particular order. Please stop by their little corners of the internet. Don’t forget to also visit Kerry’s blog!! Thank you!! ☺️

1- Mama Gets Real

2- Journey2dfuture

3- Red Lipstick Mama

4- Finding Cooper’s Voice

5- What The Mom

6- Game of Diapers

7- What A Lady

8- The Adventures of Fanny P.

9- Fascinations of a Vanilla Housewife

10- Raising 5 Kids With Disabilities And Remaining Sane

Top Mommy Blogs - Mom Blog Directory

Leibster Award!


On September 8th The Winding Road nominated me for the Liebster Award! I have not been able to sit down and respond until now. I love getting awards and I love to pass them on. Please stop by the Winding Road’s beautiful blog about a mother and her two children.

Rules: Display the award logo, thank the blogger who nominated you  and link back to his or her blog, answer the 11 questions that your nominator asks you, post 11 random facts about yourself, nominate 11 bloggers of your own, with under 200 followers, whom you think are as awesome as you,  and create 11 questions for your nominees

Here are the 11 questions from The Winding Road:

11 questions for your nominees.

  1. What is your favorite beverage? Wine. I have a glass of red wine each night. 
  2. How many hours do you sleep at night? Sleep? What is that? I get 5-6 hours a night. 
  3. What do you eat for breakfast? Coffee, cereal, toast, fruit, yoghurt. 
  4. Do you like to cook and why? I do like to cook. I love The preparation and making something delicious.
  5. How do you spend your “down time?” Blogging, reading, getting a pedicure.
  6. Do you play a musical instrument? No.
  7. Are you superstitious? Not really. 
  8. Are you an introvert or extrovert? Introvert. 
  9. Do you like to camp? Camp? Me? Too many bugs and it gets too dark.
  10. What is your ideal vacation? Any vacation turns into an idea vacation as long as I can be away from my work! It should be at least two weeks. I need to be close to the water, and it must be sunny. I’m not hard to please.
  11. What is the most recent book you have read? Gone Girl. Skip it. It was a waste of time.

Here are my nominees! I like to break the rules every once in a while. I have nominated eight blogs instead of eleven. But please nominate eleven more bloggers. Don’t let the blog loving stop here!


What The Mom?

Pen & Stink

Magical Chaos

The Educated Nanny

Broken Condoms

Autism Mama 76

Her 30’s


Here are my eleven questions for my nominies:

1) Do you drive fast or slow?

2) What talent do you possess?

3) What did you have for dinner last night?

4) Where will you next vacation be?

5) Have you traveled without your children?

6) Do you prefer the summer or the winter?

7) Chocolate or vanilla ice cream?

8) What is your favorite song to sing to your children?

9) What was the last book that you read?

10) When did you start blogging?

11) What is your favorite blog post that you have written? Add the link if you like!


So excited to see your answers!

All the best!!



Super Sweet Blogging Award!


I had a sweet start to my day! Marta from The Corner of My Imagination was so kind to nominate me for the Super Sweet Blogging Award! Thank you so much! Please check out her blog.

The rules :

1. Show your thanks to the blogger that nominated you.

2. Reveal your 5 top picks and let them know.

3. Post the award on your blog.

4. Bask in the love and support in blogsphere.

5. And best of all…have fun and share it too.

Here are my nominees in no particular order:

1- Chasing a Daredevil and Twins

2- Twinsmomma2007

3- Nannypology

4- Mama Gets Real

5- Not A Typical Mom

Bouquet of 3 Nomination!!

sunshine best moment versatile

My busy week is finally winding down. I can now finally write a post thanking 21centurymom for her nomination for the Bouquet of 3 Award. This is my 4th award this week! When it rains it pours. Im just upset that this week in particular I was not able to do a lot of blogging.

Like 21 Century Mom, I am so new to blogging and I had no idea that bloggers were awarded by other bloggers. All I know is that I am having so much fun and I love reading new posts from all of the people I follow and the amazing other blogs that I come across.

The rules for the awards as I have received them:
1. Display the Award Certificate on your website.
2. Announce your win with a post and link to whoever presented you with the award.
3. Present 15 awards to deserving bloggers.
4. Drop them a comment to tip them off after you have linked them in the post.
5. Post 7 interesting things about yourself.

For the nominations I too will limit the number of nominations as I just nominated others for the Liebster Award and I want to reach out to a few more people.

Here is a go at 7 interesting things about me. I’m running out of things to say!
1- I am addicted to my iPhone.
2- Today I just passed a national certification exam in my nursing specialty and I’m super happy!
3- I enjoy going to the playground with Ale. I thought I would hate it but I love to see him having so much fun.
4-I like Lowes more than Home Depot but I could happily spend hours in each store.
5- I like to have something with chocolate every night after dinner.
6- I love flip flops in the summer.
7- I’m so happy that I am a blogging mama!

Nominations in no particular order:

1- Joy, Lovely, Joy

2- Nannypology

3- Atlanta Mom of Three

4- The 4 A.M. Writer

Thank You!

Thank You!


Liebster Award #3!

This is my lucky week! I received Leibster award for the third time!! The final nomination was from Marta from The Corner of My Imagination. Please check out her beautiful creative writing blog. Thank you so much Marta!

Since I nominated other blogs yesterday I will just answer Marta’s questions.

1. Why are you writing?

I am writing this blog to express my feelings as a new mother and to connect with other new mothers and experienced parents.

2. Where do you look for inspiration?

I look at my little son, he is always growing and changing. Then I also look to other fellow bloggers.

3. What is one thing that you regret most in your life?

I regret that I chose nursing as a second career. I wish that I knew to go into nursing when I was younger then I would be further in my career. However, life happens and it was ultimately circumstances that led me to nursing. Now I can’t see myself doing anything else! I love being a RN.

4. What is one thing you are most proud of in your life?

My little boy Ale

5. Tell us one amazing thing that happened to you in the last month.

I found $20 on the subway platform!

6. Do you believe in magic?


7. If you could talk for 15 minutes with someone who is long dead, who would it be?

My dad who died several years ago. I want to hear his laugh and have him tell me one of his silly stories or jokes.

8. Do you have your favourite motivational quote? If so, tell us about it.

“This Too Shall Pass”- whenever i’m in a situation that I don’t like I say this and it reminds me that things keep changing and evolving and it will have an end.

9. What is your favourite place to write?

I write on my phone, ipad or computer. So I write whenever I have a chance. I sometimes can write on my commute to work via my phone.

10. Do you have a pet? If so what is its name?

No 😦

11. Who is your favourite writer of all times?

I don’t have a favorite author but I love many books. I tend to read Jane Eyer over again every few years. I love Gone With the Wind and when I want a total escape I read excerpts of The Tale of Ginji.


Liebster Award X 2!!!!


During the weekend I was nominated twice for the Liebster Award by Nannypology and Moving Mommy. I am more than flattered that other people like what I post and want to recommend others to check out my blog. So please also have a look at Nannypology and Moving Mommy!!

The Liebster Award is given to up and coming bloggers with less than 200 followers to encourage them to continue their work.  What is a Liebster?  The meaning: Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome. Below I’m nominating 11 other fantastic bloggers who should have a million followers because they are just so amazing, fun and informative. I can not tell how how much I have learned from other follow bloggers since I started blogging this year.

To the nominees: You must write 11 facts about yourself and then answer 11 questions that follow. When you are done nominate 11 other blogs and have them follow the same rules- 11 facts, 11 questions and 11 new blogs with less than 200 followers.

11 Nominees in no particular order.

1- Mama Gets Real

2- Not A Typical Mom

3- Crew & Lu

4- A Game of Diapers

5-Monkey & Squish

6- Adventure of Yasmin B.

7- 21 Century Mom 

8- Rookie Mom Adventures

9 – Julie Mom On Wheels

10- The Corner of My Imagination

11- Military Bride

Here are the 11 questions:

1- Where is your next vacation going to be?
2- What are you having for dinner tonight?
3- What is your favorite time of year?
4- If you could quit your job right now because you just won the lottery what would you tell your boss?
5- Why did you start blogging?
6- What is your favorite color?
7- How many bothers and sisters do you have?
8- What is your favorite movie?
9- Have you ever ridden a motorcycle?
10- Do you have a green thumb?
11- PC or Mac?


11 Facts About Me

1- I am an undercover blogger! Only my husband and my immediate family know that I have this blog. I am very reluctant to advertise that I have this blog. Next week, however, I will “come out” and let some of my closest friends know.

2- I’m into baking again. The next thing I want to try to make is a chocolate molten cake.

3- I guess my favorite color is green as I have been unintentionally buying many green things. The other day when I went outside with Ale, he was wearing a green jacket, gray and green sneakers, in a green stroller. It was raining so I had my green umbrella up and a green backpack.

4- I would love to have a cat.

5- I am an expert at getting a seat on a crowded subway train.

6- I forgot my keys in Ale’s lunch bag this morning. Very frustrating as I walked home then had to go back to the daycare. I tried to avoid Ale, be he saw me and wanted to leave with me and started crying. I felt horrible.

7- I love cheese.

8- I have a glass of wine every night.

9- I also love anything pickled! Bring on the olives, beets, and kimchi!

10- I am horrible at parallel parking.

11- I am terrified of flying, but love to look out the plane window and see the land underneath. Its beautiful and it looks like a huge map in an atlas. Over water I’m more nervous.


Since I was nominated by two bloggers for the sake of time I will just answer the first six questions by Nannypology and Moving Mommy. This week I am pressed for time but I really want to get this post out.

1- What musical artist are you listening to these days?
I was a huge audiophile up until Ale was born. I always had music playing and was looking for new music. With work being so loud and crazy and Ale running around I am so happy to be at home with silence! However, I want to change that ASAP as I want Ale to be exposed to music.

2- What is the most embarrassing moment you have had online? (Come on, you can tell us! I just gave you an AWARD)…
I wish I could say something interesting so far I have not had one. Its bound to happen at some point.

3- If you could be any animal, what would you be? Why?
On a day like today a cat. I yearn for a day that I can just lounge around, have food given to me and a nice person comes by to scratch my belly everyone in a while.

4- If you could get paid to do anything in the world (and make a very comfortable living), what would you choose to do?
I would be a midwife with just a handful of clients. Birthing babies is amazing but the malpractice insurance is too high.

5 – What do you say when your (or someone else’s) kid asks you why the sky is blue?
If the child is young I would say– because it is! If the child is older I’d say lets go look it up. —- I guess I should look it up now so I have a proper answer ready!!

6- What would you rather die from: being eaten slowly by a 50 foot anaconda? or, getting your head ripped off by a great white shark? Explain.
Head ripped off by shark. I don’t want to suffer inside the belly of an anaconda. Yuck!

7 – Favorite Food?
It depends on the day, my mood. However, it is hard for me to turn down a piece of homemade pound cake.

8- What game/competition show would you most like to be on? Why? And do you think you would win?
Cash Cab. This looks like fun! Hop in a cab, the fun lights come on and you answer trivia questions and win money by the time you get to your destination. I have a lot of useless info in my head so I might win.

9- If $$ were no object, where would you travel on your next vacation?

10- If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
Pasta- so may types and ways to cook it.

11- How do you like your eggs?
Hard Boiled. I love egg salad sandwiches.

12- Would you rather be forced to make spelling errors, or grammatical errors on a daily basis? Explain.
Spelling errors! I am already a terrible speller. Bless the person who invented spell check! If my grammar was off as well, no one would not have a clue as to what I said or wrote.


Thank You!!

Thank You!!!

Versatile Blogger


I’m super happy! I just received recognition from a fellow blogger- that they enjoy reading my posts! This really made my day. I am new to blogging and I know that I am a small fish in a big sea. There are so many bloggers that are just amazing. I am primarily following mom/parenting bloggers and each day I am finding inspiration. So thank you Letters to Chace & Harper for the Versatile Blogger nomination!

The Versatile Blogger Rules:
1) Add The Versatile Blogger award photo on a blog post
2) Thank the person (or animal) who presented you with the award and link back to him or her in your post
3) Share seven things about yourself
4) Pass the award along to 15 favorite bloggers. Contact the chosen bloggers to let them know about the award.

Seven Things About Me:
1- Being a mom has turned me into a neat freak! My fear is that my floor will become a sea of Cheerios.
2- I love the summertime. I’m happy flip flop weather is near.
3-I’m an only child
4-I speak Spanish
5-I make a delicious banana bread and a fantastic carrot cake.
6-I love music but I can’t sing to save my life.
7- I have to pick up my son soon and I’m cutting it close by writing this post!

Other fantastic Blogs:













