Tuesdays With Ale : HOT!


OMG its 93 degrees in Brooklyn, New York right now. Hot and humid. What is a mama to do? We still must go out to let the toddler run and jump. Prospect Park is the solution! We are so fortunate to live close to such a wonderful park. In my eyes it beats Central Park any day. Prospect Park is a  living park, filled by the people of the communities that surround it. I just love that after a short walk we suddenly feel like we have left the city. Its cooler, calmer and Ale can run, run, run in the lush grass while I sit under a tree with an iced coffee. That is exactly what we did this morning.

Happy Summer!!

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Weekly Photo Challenge : Sea


This week’s Photo Challenge is the Sea.

The summer is not summer without time spent by a body of water. Each year we visit pools, lakes and oceans. Each has the same effect. They refresh, offer a great place to play, and give a sense of peace.

This photo was taken in July at Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts. It was a cloudy day but we still had a wonderful time by the sea.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Carefree


This week’s photo challenge is to show something that represents “carefree”. What does not represent this more than a toddler splashing in a puddle.

Ale is enjoying the cool water, the sound the splashes make, and the sensation of wet feet squishing in his shoes.

I’m thinking – oh no! He is getting wet and dirty. I don’t have a change of clothing! Did he drink the water? Are there Mosquitos?

Life of a toddler is much, much better. Innocence is truly bliss.


Hello Summer!

Even though today it’s dark, rainy and in the high 50’s it was HOT this past Tuesday. It was typical New York City hot- in the 80’s and a bit humid. Everyone was out and about in flip flops.

After nap time. I packed Ale’s bag with snacks, a towel and an extra change of clothing. I whisked him into his room and changed him into swimming trunks (swim diaper underneath) and covered him in sunscreen. Then I put on his feet the adorable flip flops with red crabs I bought recently. That was a mistake as he just looked at his feet and screamed. Then he walked around the apartment like Frankenstein.

When the Frankenstein walk resumed to the normal toddler waddle we headed to the playground. The playground was jumping! It was filled with ecstatic kids. The sprinklers were on!

Ale at first did not know what to make of this mayhem. Kids running in all directions laughing with joy. He just stood there in front of the sprinklers looking overwhelmed. He wanted me to hold him.

What is great about having a kid is that I can do silly things with Ale and no one bats an eye. Off came my sandals, I rolled up my jeans and got right in there and started splashing. Slowly Ale stuck his little toes in the puddle. Then his hands went through the undulating sprinklers. Next thing I knew Ale was running through the sprinklers laughing and shouting out for joy.

After 45 minutes of water madness I had to pull him out because he was turning purple and shivering. He had so much fun. In fact, fun is an understatement.

So, Summer if you are reading this post- please come back. Ale desperately wants to run through the sprinklers again.
By the way: His mama wants to get her feet wet too.
